October 16th is Restart a Heart Day

Did you know 9 out of 10 people won’t survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest?

We hope to change this unfortunate statistic by raising awareness through Restart a Heart Day on October 16th.Seven people standing in a row with their hands in the shape of a heart in front of their chests.

Through the awareness created by this significant day, we hope to address the reality of the dangers surrounding cardiac arrest and encourage everyone to undergo basic CPR training. Let’s get started by learning more about cardiac arrest.

What is cardiac arrest?

  • This sudden, life-threatening medical emergency occurs when the heart stops beating or beats ineffectively.
  • During cardiac arrest, the heart cannot pump blood to the rest of the body, including vital organs like the brain.
  • Typically, cardiac arrest occurs due to an underlying cause such as a serious heart condition, a severe heart attack, a drug overdose, or other trauma.

What are common signs someone is experiencing cardiac arrest?

  • Loss of Consciousness: The most common sign of cardiac arrest is a sudden loss of consciousness. The affected individual may become unresponsive and stop breathing.
  • Absence of A Pulse: There is no detectable pulse or blood pressure because the heart is not effectively pumping blood.
  • Gasping of Abnormal Breathing: In some instances, the person experiencing cardiac arrest may showcase signs that they cannot breathe. This is due to the fact that the body is unable to receive the necessary oxygen that it needs during cardiac arrest.

Immediate intervention is necessary to save the life of someone in cardiac arrest.

A person’s best chance to survive cardiac arrest is for someone nearby to take action immediately. Call 911 and begin CPR right away. Performing CPR can double the survival rate in most cases, so this isn’t advice to be taken with a grain of salt.

What is CPR?

CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. This emergency procedure can save lives when promptly performed during cardiac arrest. It works by manually maintaining blood flow to the body’s vital organs through chest compressions and rescue breaths. Chest compressions should continue until professional medical help arrives.

Most people know what CPR is in theory but are unaware of its practical applications. Whether it is someone you love or a stranger at a restaurant, you may witness someone undergo heart failure in New Jersey. Research opportunities in your area to learn CPR so you know what to do when this happens.

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